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来源:用户上传      作者:刘伟 陈言柳 张林平 梁俊峰

  摘 要:Σ勺怨愣省的2份小磨菇属标本进行鉴定,采用形态鉴定和ITS序列比对相结合的方法,最终将这2份标本鉴定为二瓣小蘑菇(R.L. Zhao, Desjardin, Soytong & K.D. Hyde)和亚白小蘑菇(Heinem. & Little Flower),前者的模式产地在泰国,后者在印度,二者在我国均为首次发现。二瓣小蘑菇主要的识别特征为子实体小型,菌盖成熟后纯白色;菌褶离生,不等长,密,幼时白色,成熟后褐色,菌环白色;担孢子椭圆形至杏仁形,光滑;褶缘囊状体17.6~32.0?m×4.6~7.4?m,顶部有时分裂成两瓣,簇生,光滑,薄壁,侧生囊状体缺失;菌盖皮层由平伏的菌丝组成。亚白小蘑菇的主要识别特征为子实体小型,菌盖表面被辐射状纤毛;菌褶离生,不等长,具小菌褶,密;菌环上位,白色;担孢子椭圆形,光滑,薄壁;褶缘囊状体25.6~56.5?m×7.1~12.6?m,成簇,棒状至槌形,无色,光滑,侧生囊状体缺失,菌盖皮层由平伏的菌丝组成。本研究提供了二者详细的形态描述、显微线条图及与它们相关的系统发育树,并分析其与相近种在形态上的区别。本研究结果增加了该属在我国分布的种类和地理区域。
  关键词:小蘑菇属;分类学;分子系统学;新纪录中图分类号:S324 文献标识码:A
  Two New Records of the Genus from China
  LIU WeiCHEN YanliuZHANG LinpingLIANG Junfeng
  1. Lishui Baiyunshan Ecology Forest Farm, Lishui, Zhejiang 323000, China; 2. Research Institute of Tropical Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510520, China; 3. Key Laboratory of State Forestry Administration on Forest Ecosystem Protection and Restoration of Poyang Lake Watershed / Key Laboratory of Bacteria Resources Conservation and Utilization in Jiangxi Province / Jiangxi Agricultural University, Nanchang, Jiangxi 330045, China
  In this paper, two samples of collected from Guangdong Province were classified and identified. A method of combining morphological comparison and gene sequence was used. Finally, the two specimens were identified as M R.L. Zhao, Desjardin, Soytong & K.D. Hyde and Heinem. & Little Flower, both of them are new record species in China. is characterized in its small fruiting body, pure white pileus when mature, free and crowded lamellae, white when young, then brown when mature, white annulus, oval to almond-shaped and smooth basidiospores, hyaline and smooth cheilocystidia, sometimes bifid with two toe-like lobes, 17.6~32.0?m×4.6~7.4?m, absent pleurocystidia, and pileipellis composed of creeping hyphae. is characterized in its small fruiting body, pileus surface with radial cilia, free and crowded lamellae, white and superior annulus, oval and smooth basidiospores, 25.6~56.5?m×7.1~12.6?m, clustered, hyaline, and smooth cheilocystidia, absent pleurocystidia, and pileipellis composed of creeping hyphae. Furthermore, the detail description, illustrations and phylogenetic tree are provided, and the differences in morphology with similar species are analyzed in this paper. To this end, the species and geographical regions of this genus in China are added.


