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来源:用户上传      作者:汪东平

  [中图分类号] R-4 [文献标识码] A [文章编号]2095-0616(2022)09-0082-05
  The dilemma of talents training and the direction of teaching reform in higher pharmaceutical vocational university under the background of "double high" plan
  WANG Dongping
  Office of Academic Affairs, Zhejiang Pharmaceutical Vocational University, Zhejiang, Ningbo 315100, China
  [Abstract] In order to realize high quality development, we should respect the different development of students, meet the diversified needs of society, and promote the training of talents by stratification and classification. This is the value appeal and inner requirement of higher vocational education in the "double high" era. At present, there are multiple dilemmas in the talent training of higher pharmaceutical vocational colleges, such as the tendency of homogenization of target orientation, the lack of stratified setting in curriculum system, and the lack of student-oriented teaching environment. Therefore, higher pharmaceutical vocational colleges should focus on regional social economic development and internal requirements of pharmaceutical industry transformation and upgrading,on the basis of following the policy intention of "Double Higher Education Plan" to deepen the stratified and classified talent training, which can be achieved through some specific measures such as Offering undergraduate majors in drug quality management and other vocational education programs, formulating training programs and optimizing the teaching process conducive to the differentiated development of students, improving teaching resources that can help students to choose properly and implementing quality evaluation that reflects students'different development. Thus, it is an inevitable choice to adapt to the future development of vocational education to improve the overall scientific human nature and adaptability of talent training.
  [Key words]"Double high" Plan; Stratified and classified; Talent training; Higher vocational education


