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来源:用户上传      作者:刘广敏 李小伟 解兆延 乔昕

  Teaching Research on Course Reform of "Fundamentals
  of Electrical Engineering" under New Engineering Background
  Liu GuangminLi XiaoweiXie ZhaoyanQiao Xin
  Shandong Jiaotong UniversityShandongJinan250357
  Abstract:This paper describes the current situation of the course "Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering" in the context of the construction of local application-oriented undergraduate universities under the new form of engineering,and carries out a learning situation analysis,Some reform measures are put forward,such as adjusting the teaching content according to the development of the industry,redesigning the teaching plan and assessment method according to the characteristics of the teaching content,appropriately integrating ideological and political elements,organically combining online and offline teaching,and constructing virtual laboratory.The purpose of this course reform is to improve students' learning enthusiasm,improve the teaching effect of the course,improve students' professional quality,practical ability,innovation ability,and promote graduates to better adapt to the needs of the industry and meet the requirements of employment units for undergraduate graduates.
  Keywords:The new engineering;Course teaching reform;Fundamentals of electrical engineering
  新工科(Emerging Engineering Education,3E)是中国为主动应对新一轮科技革命与产业变革,在新经济、新起点的大背景下提出来的概念,目前在社会各界和高等教育领域引起普遍关注和巨大反响[1-2]。新工科建设将阶段性推进,需要重点把握学与教、实践与创新创业、本土化与国际化三个任务,关键在于实现立法保障、扩大办学自主权、改革教育评价体系三个突破[3]。我国高等教育中的工科教育从规模上已经是世界第一,毕业生规模占世界工科毕业生总数比例为全球第一(38%)[4]。因此,正如吴岩指出的那样,理解新工科建设的重要性和紧迫性,一是要站在实现中华民族伟大复兴大局和世界百年未有之大变局这两个“大局”的背景下,二是要站在“两化重叠”的背景下认识“新工科”建设的迫切性[5-6]。
  1 在新工科建设要求下本课程现状
  1.1 课程定位与内容分析
  1.2 学情分析


