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来源:用户上传      作者: 敖桂珍

  在中学英语学习中, 动名词占据着举足轻重的地位。英语中的动名词,一般形式为动词后加ing,可作为主语、宾语和表语使用。本文就常见用法归纳如下:
  动名词的一个明显标志就是动词后有-ing后缀。 动名词作主语表示抽象概念或泛指动作,如某种行为,爱好,活动,职业等,此时谓语动词使用单数形式。
  动名词可以直接作主语置于句首,也可以用it作形式主语,而把真正作主语的动名词后置,二者没有太大区别。如:Walking around in a city is rather tiring;It is no good helping him或者说,He does not help himself. 但形容词important和necessary不宜采用形式主语的结构,如It's important learning foreign languages的说法是不恰当的。另外,作主语的动名词与不定式是有区别的,作主语的动名词通常指一个抽象的动作,而作主语的不定式通常指某一次具体的动作。例如:It is no use regretting中的regretting指抽象动作。
  动名词作表语时,可以和主语互换位置。作表语的动名词可表示职业, 爱好, 活动, 行为。例如:1.My favourite sport is going hiking;2.His job is teaching English in the senior middle school. 这两个句子be动词后面的部分是表语,系动词是is 、am 、are,行为动词是除了be动词之外的动词。动名词就是动词加了ing之后作名词用。这里要注意的是,不能把动名词看作进行时态的标志,因为动名词已经转化为名词了,它前面的be 是系动词。如第1例中,不是说“我正在远足”,而是说“远足这项运动是我最喜欢或者爱好的内容”。第2例中teaching说的是一种职业,只有动词才有时态的变化。
  动名词作定语时,用来说明被修饰名词的性质,身份,用途等,常有以下几种用法:(1)单独做定语,通常放在所修饰的词前。例如:running car;(2)动名词短语作定语放在所修饰的词的后面,意思和定语从句差不多。例如 :Tell the children playing outside not to make too much noise. = Tell the children who are playing outside not to make too much noise.(3)动名词可作为非限制性定语,常用逗号与前后部分隔开。例如:Tom, wearing beautiful clothes, followed me down the hill. = Tom, who is wearing beautiful clothes, followed me down the hill.(4)动名词可以和副词或名词构成复合词作定语。例如:This is an English-speaking country。
  (1)“考虑、建议、盼原谅”:consider;suggest/advise;look forward to;excuse/parden。
  (2)“承认、推迟、没的想”:admit;delay/put off;fancy。
  (3)“避免、错过、继续练”:avoid;miss;keep/keep on;practise。
  (5)“不禁、介意、准逃亡”:cannot help;mind;allow/permit;escape。
  以下介词后要接动名词:be used to, lead to , devote to , stick to , object to, get down to, pay attention to , cannot stand, give up , feel like , insist on, thank sb for, apologize to sb for, be busy in , have difficulty in , have a good time in , depend on , be proud of , think of , hear of , dream of, set about, stop/prevent/keep from。
  以下动词后可接动名词和不定式作宾语,两者意义区别不大 attempt, begin/start, continue, like, love , hate , prefer 等。
  有些动词后接动名词和接不定式的意义完全不同,如:forget to do/forget doing忘记去做/忘了做过;remember to do /remember doing记住去做/记得做过;regret to do/regret doing 遗憾地做/后悔做过某事;mean to do/mean doing打算做/意味着;stop to do /stop doing停下某一动作去做另一动作/停止做某事;try to do /try doing努力去做/试着做;cannot help to do/cannot help doing不能帮忙做/禁不住做。
  动名词的否定形式,在其前面加not,句中带有逻辑主语时not加在逻辑主语与v-ing 之间。
  Not passing the exam made him upset. 没有通过考试使他难过。
  His not coming home on time made his parents worried.他没按时回家使他父母感到担心。
  动名词的复合结构是指在动名词前加上逻辑主语来强调动作的执行者,该逻辑主语为形容词性物主代词或名词所有格;当逻辑主语不出现在句首时,可用人称代词的宾格代替形容词性物主代词或用名词普通格代名词所有格。例如: Kate’s sudden leaving shocked all of her classmates;Mr. Smith will never forget him/his being given a hand by the poor pianist; The teacher was angry with Tom/Tom's coming to school late。