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来源:用户上传      作者: 陶林静

  【摘要】 目的:探讨与研究阴道分泌物对尿常规检查结果的影响,分析其处理对策与途径。方法:选取2011年11月-2013年11月于本院接受检查并确诊为妇科疾病的120例女性患者作为研究对象,按照随机数字法将其分为对照组与观察组两组,对照组50例,观察组70例。对照组患者给予常规尿液采集方式实施检查,对观察组患者则在责任护士的指导下,在阻止阴道分泌物流出后,实施尿液采集检查,对比观察两组患者尿液采集与检验结果。结果:(1)对照组患者白细胞检出率为46.00%,红细胞检出率为90.00%;观察组患者白细胞检出率为5.71%,红细胞检出率为28.57%。对照组患者的红细胞、白细胞检出率均明显高于观察组患者,组间比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);(2)观察组患者尿液标本上皮细胞与蛋白质的检出率均为0,对照组患者尿液样本中上皮细胞与蛋白质的检出率分别为4.00%、22.00%。对照组尿液样本中上皮细胞与蛋白质的检出率明显高于观察组患者,组间比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:阴道分泌物对常规尿液检测的结果将会产生不同程度的影响,导致检测假阳性率上升,为进一步提高尿检的准确率,需严格遵循尿液样本采集的规范操作,加强对相关医师的采集培训,以提高尿液采集的合格率,提升诊断的准确性。
  【关键词】 阴道分泌物; 尿常规检查; 影响; 干扰; 结果
  【Abstract】 Objective: To observe and research the impacts of vaginal secretions on urine routine test results and put forward the corresponding treatment strategies and means. Method: From November 2011 to November 2013, 120 female patients, who were examined and diagnosed as having gynecological diseases, were selected from Nanyang Central Hospital as the objects of this study. According to the random number method, those patients were divided into two groups, namely control group and observation group, with 50 cases and 70 cases respectively. For the control group, conventional urine collection method was used before the urine routine test, while the observation group, under the guidance of primary nurses, carried out the urine collecting checks after preventing vaginal secretions out. Then, comparative observation of urine collection and test results of the two groups were carried out. Result: (1) In the control group, detection rate of leukocytes was 46.00%, and detection rate of erythrocytes was 90.00%. In observation group, detection rate of leukocytes was 5.71%, and detection rate of erythrocytes was 28.57%. The detection rates of leukocytes and erythrocytes in the patients of control group were significantly higher than those in the patients of observation group, and differences between the two groups were significant (P<0.05). (2) In observation group, epithelial cell and protein detection rates in patients’ Urine specimens are both zero, while in the control group, the detection rates of epithelial cells and protein were 4.00% and 22.00% respectively. The detection rates of epithelial cell and protein in the patients of control group were significantly higher than those in the patients of observation group, and differences between groups comparison were significant, (P<0.05). Conclusion: Vaginal secretions have varying degrees of impact on the results of routine urine test, leading to false-positive detection rate increased. To further improve the accuracy of urinalysis, it is necessary to strictly follow the standard operation in the urine sample collection, and strengthen collection training of related physicians, so that to improve the qualification rate of urine collection and improve the accuracy of diagnosis.