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新目标初中英语I’m going to be a basketball player Section A 教学设计

来源:用户上传      作者:

  3.教学内容:本节课的主要目标是用一般将来时谈论未来自己与他人理想的职业及原因,为实现理想所做出的打算和安排,以及制定未来一段时间内的学习计划。本课的内容分三部分:第一部分是通过多媒体资源及现场, 设计10年后的情景场面,提供学生学习新词汇及新句型“be going to”语言情景,使学生在贴近生活的真实语境中运用语言;第二部分是使用一般将来时谈论未来职业理想及为实现理想所做出的打算和安排开展的系列训练活动,提高学生的听说读的语言技能;第三部分是通过阅读与写作的训练,利用知识的迁移,拓展本课知识,提高学生英语的综合运用能力。
  4.教学重点和难点:(1)教学重点:掌握新词汇,学生会运用“be going to”这一语言结构进行交谈。(2)教学难点:把新的语言结构融入到阅读、写作、听力训练中,全面提高学生的英语综合运用能力。
  5.教学媒介: 本课使用服装道具、多媒体为学生创设真实可视的贴近生活的语言环境,提供学生运用语言交际的平台。
  Step 1Warm up
  Get the students to look at the photo of Yao Ming with a basketball in his hand.(学生通过观看篮球明星姚明的照片激发学生学习热情,同时为领进学生本节课的主题做好铺垫)
  Step 2Leading in
  Show some pictures about different kinds of jobs .
  T: As we all know in ten years we’re going to grow up . And we’re going to have jobs (通过多媒体向学生出示各种职业的图片) .Of all the jobs, what are you going to be when you grow up? (学生依照个人的意愿畅谈自己的理想)
  S1: I’m going to be a teacher.
  S2: I’m going to be an actor.….
  T: Great. I hope your dreams will come true. Let’s learn Unit 10 I’m going to be a basketball player Section A (导入新课中选用的职业图片应具有典型性,如使用比尔盖茨、姚明等人物的照片,目的是潜意识帮助学生树立正确的理想)
  Step 3Presentation
  .Some students act different jobs. to create a context to present the new words .(让几名学生利用服装、动作、表情表达自己长大后梦想的职业,通过这一真实的情境创设,帮助学生身临其境地学会关于职业的新词汇。)
  T:What are your classmates going to be when they grow up? Can you guess by their actions, clothes or gestures.
  S1:sb is going to be a professional basketball player.
  S2:sb is going to be a computer programmer.
  S3:sb is going to be a pilot . …
  T:Yes , you’re right.(教师领读新单词)
  T: How are you going to do that? (向S1提问)
  S1: I’m going to practice basketball every day .
  T: How are you going to do that? (向S2提问)
  S2: I’m going to study computer science. …
  Step 4 Practice
  (1)show a lot of pictures of others’ jobs to create a context for the students to use English. Get the to communicate in class about the dream jobs.
  (2)The students discuss in groups and talk about the dream jobs
  What are you going to be?
  How are you going to do that?
  Where are you going to work?
  Step 5 Reading
  Show a diary about Tian Tian’s dream job in some pictures .where the students can learn new expressions
  Tian Tian is a good student.
  She is going to move somewhere interesting. Paris sounds like a great city.
  She is going to find a part-time job for a year or two and save some money.
  She wants to travel all over the world
  Next, she is going to hold art exhibitions.
  One day, She is going to retire somewhere quiet and beautiful.
  Step 6 Writin::Get the students to write an article about their dream jobs. Then read it to your class.
  Step 7 Homework:Make a survey of your friend and write a diary about your friend’s dream job .
  三. 教学反思
  1. 遵循整体-局部-整体的原则。整个课堂教学围绕主题“用一般将来时谈论未来自己与他人理想的职业及原因,及为实现理想所做出的打算和安排”并展开一系列的学生活动。
