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I'd like to have some jiao―zi

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  【中图分类号】G623.3 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2013)06-0097-01
  1.T: Today, we will talk about the food. What food do you know?
  2.Play a game. (Sharp eyes)
  3.T: Wow! So much food. I'd like to have some bread. What about you?
  (教师板书句型I'd like to have some…,同时引导学生理解并尝试说。)
  Ss:I'd like to have some…
  1.T: You'd like to have some…, what about our friends, Zoom and Zip? Let's listen, then match.
  2.Check the answer. Then let Ss imitate the sentences that Zoom and Zip said. (学生模仿Zoom和Zip所说的句子,巩固了本节课的重点句型。也可以让其他学生对模仿的学生进行评价,选出模仿的最像的。)
  3.T: Zoom would like to have some jiao-zi, please listen again and underline the sentences about the jiao-zi.
  4.Ss read the sentences. T writes them on the board. (学生通过第二遍听录音找到描述饺子的几个句子They look good. They are hot. They are very yummy.)
  5.T: The jiao-zi are very hot, and Zoom eat them quickly, what happened?
  He said Ouch.(教师通过动作让学生明白ouch的意思。)
  6.T: If you are Zip and the children, what do you want to say to Zoom?
  Ss: Zoom, please wait. They are very hot.
  1.Listen and imitate.
  2.Sing a song.(用Mary had a little lamb的曲调,学生可以替换食物来唱。)
  I'd like to have some beef, have some beef, have some beef.
  I'd like to have some fish.
  They are very yummy.
  3.Free Food. (教师提前准备好很多食物,先示范I'd like to have some…, what about you? 学生如果想吃到自己喜欢的食物,必须要先说I'd like to have some…。)
  Today, we talk about the food we'd like to eat. Zoom had some jiao-zi, jiao-zi is a kind of traditional Chinese food. China has a long history, there are some other traditional Chinese food. Look, moon cake, sweet dumplings, zong zi.
  1.Read this dialog with your partners.
  2.Get more information about the traditional Chinese food on the internet. (从网络中搜索更多的有关于中国传统食物的信息)
  Bb design
  I' d like to have some…
  They look good.
  They are hot.yummy.