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4A Unit7《How much》第一课时教学设计

来源:用户上传      作者: 黄荣

  【教材分析】本单元文本围绕义卖主要内容,以爱心义卖为场景的购物活动为学习情境。让学生学会用与“How much”有关的句式,能够进行买卖活动的简单对话,在具体购物情境中知道如何询问东西的价格及回答。第一课时学习内容为story time部分。在课堂教学中,开展听、说、读、思等练习,掌握shoes,socks,umbrella等单词,学习How much is it/are they?的句型及相应答句。
  2.能听懂、会读、会说并能够初步运用“Can I help you?How much is it/are they?”及答句“It’s/They’re ... yuan.”。
  1.理解并熟练运用句型“How much is it/are they?”及回答“It’s/They’re ... yuan.”。
  2.能会读会演Story time 的内容,能在类似的情境中开展“买卖”活动交流。
  一、Warm up
  1.Let’s enjoy the music.
  T:We need to say love to your parents,to your teachers and so on.
  2.Let’s play a game.(出示幻灯片)
  (设计意图:针对小学生的学习和心理特点,采用低起点的“enjoy the music”导入,激发学生参与兴趣,提高学生的英语听力,并在趣味游戏中让学生动起来,有兴趣进一步发挥主动性的学习。)
  板块一:I can say
  1.Free talk
  T:Today,We have three aims.The first “I can say”.I’ll ask some questions.What would you like?
  S1:I’d like...
  S2:I’d like...
  2.Guessing game
  T:Now,I’m hungry.I’d like a sandwich.(出示图片)
  Guess! How much is it?(教授)
  T:It’s only five yuan.(教授only)
  T:OK! How much is it?(拿出一把扇子)
  S:It’s only 2 yuan.
  T:This is a fan.
  This is a fan,too. So,They are fans.This fan is 2 yuan. So,(教授)how much are they?(出示卡片)
  Ss:They’re four yuan.
  T:Good job.Boys and girls.Do you find something? What’s the different between the sentences.
  T:So clever.(出示幻灯片)
  3.Rhyme time
  T:Let’s have a reset. OK. Show me your hands.
  T:OK.The first aim. If you finished very well. Please give you three stars.
  二、Story time
  板块二:I can Act
  1.First.Watch the cartoon and answer the questions
  2.Listen and match
  3.Read after the tape.
  4.Let’s play a role.(Action)
  T:The third aim.If you finished very well,please give you three stars.
  板块三:I can use
  T:The second Aim “I can use.” Who can read the Aim for us.
  OK.There’re five numbers.
  Number 1 “Fruit shop”
  Number 2 “At the snack bar”
  Number 3 “Toy animals shop”
  Number 4 “WaiXiao’s shop”
  Number 5 “Fashion shop”
  T:Very Good.The second aim. If you finished very well. Please give you three stars.
  板块四:I can check
  ★★★ ★★ ★