夜幕降临,城市的灯光开始亮起来。华丽的霓虹灯、柔和的路灯、璀璨的彩灯,它们交织在一起,在黑夜中绽放出美丽的光芒。The night falls, and the city lights up. Gorgeous neon lights, soft street lamps, dazzling colored lights, they blend together and shine with beautiful light in the dark night.
高楼大厦的灯光组成了城市的轮廓,流光溢彩的灯光在夜空中划出了美轮美奂的画面。The lights of tall buildings form the outline of the city, and the flowing lights create a beautiful picture in the night sky.
灯光与夜色交相辉映,勾勒出城市的神秘与美丽。夜晚的城市仿佛是一个充满魔力的梦境,让人沉醉在灯光的海洋中。The lights and night complement each other, outlining the mystery and beauty of the city. The city at night is like a magical dream, making people drunk in the ocean of lights.
夜幕降临,城市的灯光点亮了一颗颗明珠,照亮了人们的心灵。The night falls, and the city lights up like shining pearls, illuminating people's hearts.