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Unit 1 What’s the matter?Section B 2a—2e教学设计及评析

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   本单元话题是健康与急救 ( Health and first aid ). Section B 是Section A主题的继续与延伸,由Section A侧重谈论疾病及不适转向对事故伤害、急救(first aid)的讨论;语言上,巩固Section A所学重点语言内容、词汇及表达,突出对步骤顺序的表达;技能上,侧重综合性的听、读、写的训练,尤其突出阅读;策略上,引导学生利用作者对事件描写的先后顺序来加强对语篇理解;情感上,教育学生树立顽强的意志品质和果敢独立的精神,学习课文中主人翁热爱生活、珍惜生命,只要有一线希望就不会放弃的优良品质。本节课是一节典型的阅读课。
   (1)学习掌握词汇 breathe, sunburned, climber, ourselves, accident, situation, blood等;
   (2)正确使用下列常用表达be used to, take risks, run out (of), be in control of 等;
   了解阿伦·罗尔斯顿 (Aron Ralston)的经历及其回忆录《生死两难》(“Between a Rock and a Hard Place”).
   教学重点:理解篇章中出现的新单词、新短语的意义;在阅读篇章中应用Finding the Order of Events的,阅读策略;根据篇章内容学会怎样记述一件过去发生的意外事件。
   Step 1  Leading-in
   1. Greeting
   T: Hello, everyone. Before the lesson, I want to ask you some questions.
   T: How was your winter vacation?
   S1: It was great.
   T: What did you do in the winter vacation?
   S2: I went to Sanya with my family.
   T: Did you play sports? What sports did you do?
   S3: Yes, I played basketball and badminton in the winter vacation.
   T: Do you like playing sports?
   S4: Yes, I do.
   T: Today, we’ll read a passage about sports.
   (Write “Unit 1 What’s the matter? Section B 2a-2e” on the blackboard.)
   2. New vocabulary and new chunks learning
   T: First, read the new words and phrases of this lesson.
   T: Good job.
   T: Look at these new chunks, match them with its Chinese meaning on the paper.
   New chunks: Match the phrases with the Chinese meaning.
   (    )fall on sb.          A.切除
   (    )be caught          B.失血过多
   (    )be in a very dangerous situation C.自我包扎
   (    )get out of a difficult situation D.被卡住而不得动弹
   (    )lose too much blood E.(岩石)落向;砸向某人    (    )bandage oneself                            F.继续去登山
   (    )cut off half the right arm G.从困难的境地中摆脱出来
   (    )keep on climbing mountains H.处于十分危险的境地中
   Step Two  Pre-reading
   T: When we play sports, we may meet some accidents, such as, falling down, getting sunburned and so on.
   T: Do you like playing soccer? What accidents may happen when people play soccer?
   S1: Yes, I do. Maybe we will fall down, hurt our legs or get hit on the head.
   T: Did you swim this winter vacation? What accidents may happen when people swim?
   S2: No, I can’t swim. Maybe we will get sunburned or hurt our backs.
   T: What are they doing? Is it safe or dangerous if you climb Beishan? Is it safe or dangerous if you climb Mount Qomolangma? What accidents may happen when people climb the mountains?
   S3: They are climbing the mountains. I think it is more dangerous if we climb Mount Qomolangma. Maybe we will get sunburned or have problems breathing.
   T: What sports will we read about? Please look at the picture. Read the title together.
   T: What’s the reading passage about according to the picture and the title?
   S: I think it’s a reading passage about a mountain climber, he is taking a risk.
   Step Three  While-reading
   1. Fast reading
   T:Open your book, turn to page 6. Only read the first sentence of each paragraph, then match the paragraph with its main idea on the paper.
   Paragraph 1    Aron Ralston wrote a book to share hisexperience.
   Paragraph 2     Aron Ralston lost his arm in a dangerous situation in 2003.
   Paragraph 3     We should learn from his spirit.
   Paragraph 4     Aron Ralston loves mountain climbing,although it’s dangerous.
   T: Read the whole passage quickly, then finish 2c on the book, circle True, False or Don’t Know. If the statement is False or Don’t know, find out the reason.
   2. Careful reading    Paragraph 1:
   T: Why did the mountain climber lose his arm?What’s the name of the climber? Where and when did the accident happen? Read paragraph 1.
   T: The accident happened in Utah, it’s a state in the United States. There are many mountains in Utah, so it’s a wonderful place for mountain climbers and hikers.
   Paragraph 2:
   T: What happened to Aron? There is a movie called “127 Hours”, it tells the experience Aron had. Let’s enjoy a small part of it.
   T: It’s a serious accident, read paragraph 2 and then fill in the blanks about these 3 questions on the paper.
   1. What happened to Aron?
   2. How did Aron solve his problem?
   3. What’s the result?
   T: After reading paragraph 1 and paragraph 2, we have known the details of the accident. We knew what happened to Aron. Using the mind map above, you can retell the story to others.
   Paragraph 3:
   T: Aron saved himself, what did he do after that? Read paragraph 3 and answer the questions on the paper.
   Answer the following questions after reading paragraph 3 carefully.
   1. After Aron lost his arm, what book did he write?
   2. What does Aron Ralston tell people in this book?
   3. Did he give up after this experience?
   Paragraph 4:
   T: Do you think Aron is great? Why can he save himself? I think it’s his spirit. Read paragraph 4 and then discuss what Aron’s spirit is.
                               1. be brave
   Aron’s spirit:     2. make a right decision
                               3. never give up.
   Read the whole passage carefully again
   (Finish 2e and show them the reading strategy: Finding the Order  of  Events.)
   Reading strategy: Finding the Order of Events. Writers describe events in a certain order. Finding the order of the events will help you understand what you are reading .
   Step Four  Post-reading
   Language points
   1. On that day, Aron’s arm was caught under a 360-kilo rock that fell on him when he was climbing by himself in the mountains.    ① be caught 被卡住而不得动弹。
   ② fall on (岩石)落向;砸向某人。
   2. This means being in a difficult situation that you cannot seem to get out of.
   ① mean ...意思是;意为,用来解释上句出现在书名中的习语的意思。
   ② be in a ...situation 处于……情况下。
   ③ get out of 离开;从……出来。
   3. Aron tells of the importance of making good decisions, and of being in control of one’s life.
   ① the importance of……的重要性。
   ② ..., and of being in control of one’s life中的being 與前面的importance并列,为动名词作宾语。
   Step Five  Emotion teaching
   T:Do you remember Aron’s spirit? Think about it before you do everything.
   Step Six  Summary and homework
   T: What have we learned?
   S1: I learned a passage about Aron Ralston.
   S2: I learned some useful words and phrases.
   Ss: I remembered Aron’s spirit, I will be brave if I meet some problems in the future.
   T: Homework: 1. Retell Aron’s story to others.
   2. Write something about Aron’s life after the accident.
   T: Class is over, goodbye class.
   Ss: Goodbye, teacher.
   孙老师在While-reading(读中)阶段采用“整体阅读—分段阅读—整体再读”的教学方法,引领学生反复阅读文章,理解文章的大意。整体阅读中Match each paragraph with the main idea部分用遮盖方式让学生快速阅读文章显露的句子(每段首句),学生很容易就学会了这种阅读方法。用细读的策略阅读文本,寻找细节信息,完成2c判断正误的练习。核对答案时,孙老师要求学生把错误的句子改正过来,有效地检测了学生阅读理解的真实情况。
   分段阅读中孙老师没有按照常规教学平均分配时间,而是一、三段简单处理,二、四段细致剖析。编者的目的是通过本文让学生学习按照顺序描写事件,第二段恰好给出意外事件的全过程,第四段是告诉学生要学习Aron的精神:当面对生死两难时,勇敢地做出正确决定,珍惜生命。这两段是本节课的重点和难点,也是下一节写作课的基础。如果平均分配教学时间,势必会冲淡本节课的教学重点(学会按照顺序梳理意外事故发生的过程)和教学难点(掌握意外事故的写作框架)。孙老师对文本解读得非常到位,有明确的与作者对话和与文本对话的思路。在梳理Aron发生意外事故时,孙老师先让学生观看电影《127 Hours》的片段,然后用Who、When、Where、What、How and Why六个问题,形成问题链,给出文章的整体框架,让学生带着问题去理解文章,不仅有助于提取文本信息,了解文章表层意思,品味文章深层含义,还可以形成自我的语言图式。
   在处理文本的细节信息时,孙老师把文中“free”“Between a Rock and a Hard Place”和三个较为复杂且含有从句或被动语态的句子呈现出来,让学生在语境中细细品味词语和句子的含义,并试着翻译成汉语,而不是讲解复杂的语法结构,降低了文本难度,帮助学生较好地理解文本的真实意义。
   孙老师在第四段用小组讨论的方式总结提炼出What’s Aron’s spirit?的答案,在“生死两难”时,每个人都应学会“勇敢面对、做出正确抉择、对自己的生命负责”。这个问题旨在提升学生的思维品质,即学生首先要观察语言和文化的各种现象,根据所获得的多种信息,通过比较、识别各种信息的异同,客观分析各种信息之间的关联和差异,同时归纳共同要素,提出自己的看法。这种教学方法有利于让学生做出准确判断,形成良好的批判性思维。
   总之,孙老师通过读中的语言输入以及信息提取、加工、整理的过程,强化了新知识的构建与内化,整合了语言知识和技能训练,实现了“三有”。 一是通过把所学的知识条件化,即补充背景知识,让学生知道这一知识“从何而来”,让教材内容变得有温度,有情感,以实现教学内容的“有趣”。 二是通过把所学的知识情境化,即介入真实情境,让学生知道、体会教材中学的知识“到哪里去”,能解决真实世界中的问题,以实现教学内容的“有用”。三是通过把所学的知识结构化(如学生掌握了本课描述意外事件的记叙文的六要素),以帮助学生理解、记忆和迁移,实现教学内容的“有意义”。美国著名的教育心理学家、学科结构课程专家布鲁纳说:“越有结构的知识,越接近学科本质;结构化的知识有助于记忆,有助于迁移。”
