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来源:用户上传      作者: 赵 萍

  摘要: 本文通过对信号词的分类讲解,说明在阅读时学习者如果能抓住语言信号词就能加快、加深对每篇文章的理解,就能显著提高阅读速度和理解能力。
  关键词: 信号词英语阅读理解阅读速度
  一、顺序信号词(signal words of process)
  Once you encounter a person who has stopped breathing,you should begin immediately to do mouth-to-breathing first,place the victim on his back and remove anything from his mouth with fingers.Then tilt his head backwards,so that his chin is pointing up.Next,pull his mouth open and his jaw forward pinch his nostrils shut to prevent the air which you blow into his mouth from escaping through his nose.Then place your mouth tightly over the victims.Blow into his mouth until you see his chest rise.Then turn your head to the side and listen for the out rush of air which indicates an air exchange,repeat the process.
  这一段落用了三个顺序信号词,叙述了做人工呼吸的五个步骤,使读者看了一目了然。搞清楚顺序信号词,读者会对文章有更清晰明了的理解。常见的信号词有:one,two,...three...;first,...second,...third...;firstly,...secondly,...thirdly;(in)the first(second...)stage/step)等。
  二、例证信号词(signal words of examples)
  This term several useful and interesting course have been offered.An Introduction to European Culture,for instance,gives us a lot of background knowledge of the history of European philosophy,literature and arts.American Society and Culture is another course that attracts a large audience.
  本段第一句是概括句,提出这学期增设了几门有用并令人感兴趣的课程。然后,以两门课作例子(“欧洲文化介绍”和“美国的社会与文化”)对概括句进行具体的说明。一个概括句有时需用几个例子来说明。有时一个例子用了信号词其它就没有必要再用。常见的例证信号词大致有:for instance,for example,(to take)another example,such as等。
  三、空间位置信号词(signal words of spatial order)
  In the middle of the rectangular-shaped court-yard stood three magnolia trees,all in full bloom.A little girl was hopping among them under one of the trees stood her mother,who,while keeping an eye on her,was examining the milk-white blossoms with great interest and admiration.In front of another tree a young couple were posing for a picture.At one end of the courtyard,a group of youngsters had gathered behind an artist painting a flourishing limb.At the opposite end,a few elderly men and women stood admiring the leafless flowering tress.
  介词:above,across,against,around,beneath,behind,beside,in,in front of,in the center,inside,outside,near等。
  四、因果信号词(signal words of cause and effect)
  Farm production in the United States increases each year.A century ago,one farmer produced enough food for five people.Today one farmer produces enough for nearly fifty people.Therefore,termers must lower their prices in order to sell more of their produces.
  本例是因果式,以therefore这个表示结果的信号词为界限,之前表示的是原因;之后阐述的是结果。常见的引导结果的信号词有:so,therefore,thus,as a result of,consequently,accordingly,for this reason等。
  五、时间信号词(signal words of time or chronological sequencing)
  Pager was born in Great Yarmouth on 11 January 1814.He went to school in Yarmouth,but had to leave at the age of 13 when his father’s business ran into hard times, In1834,his elder brother George paid for him to go to a hospital in London.At the age of 33,he became a surgeon...He died on 30 December 1899...
  这一段叙述的是一个人的生平,是按照时间的先后顺序写的。表示时间的语言信号词很多,人们也不陌生。常见的介词有by,from,during,in,on at,after,before,since等;
