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来源:用户上传      作者: 张金会

  摘要:阅读是英语学习的终极目的, 阅读能力的提高需要不断扩大词汇量, 所以要学习一些猜词技巧。其方法有两点, 一是通过熟词猜测生词, 主要利用一些构词法或利用句中的同义词或反义词。二是通过对文章内容的理解猜生词, 其中有暗示法、注释法和重复法。以此猜测生词不仅提高阅读速度, 而且有助于阅读能力的培养。
  关键词:词汇重复 线索猜词 构词法
   (一) 释义线索
   1. 以定义为线索来猜测词义
   文章中的生词,作者通过明确的定义来解释这一生词,一些信号词如:to be ,mean, refer to, be defined, be known as, be called.
   例:Oceanography has been defined as the application of all science to the study of the sea .信号词"be defined as "已经作出明确的定义,它(oceanography)是一门关于海洋的学科。
   2. 以列举的例子为线索猜测词义
   为表达清楚某一抽象词义,作者通过具体举例把这一抽象事物物化。常用的号词:like, for example, for instance ,such as, especially, include, consist of , specially .
   例:Cold beverages like iced tea, fruit juice , coca-cola and milkshakes are sold everywhere on a hot day .句中通过所举的例子:"iced tea ,fruit juice , coca-cola and milkshakes"的意思,已经包括在beverage中。
   3. 以重述为线索猜测词义
   为了把一重要的、复杂的事情说得清楚明了,作者往往重述,重述时作者使用的语言简单明了。一些信号词为:in other words ,or , to put it another way, that is to say, to be precise.
   例:These has been an upsurage of in this aspect of reading difficulty, which she has been variously described as word blindness , dyslexia or specific reading disability .句中dyslexia 的意思由其后的重述部分specific reading disability 表达出来。
   (二)、 逻辑关系线索
   1. 以定语从句为线索
   例:The horizon ,where the earth seems to meet the sky , seems far away in the clear mountain air. horizon 的意思由其后的定语从句表达出来。
   例:A woman confronts enemies or opponents (those opposed to her or in opposition to her view, etc )when she meets them face to face and is prepared to fight them ,argue with ,etc.句中opponents的意思从括号中的解释读者就可清楚明白。
   3. 以同义词、近义词为线索
   作者用同义词、近义词来解释一个关键词,常见的信号词:or ,like ,as…as ,the same as.
   例:Little Tom often tries to emulate or copy the behavior that he sees on television.Emulate 的词义有信号词or引导的短语copy the behavior表达出来。
   4. 以反义词,对比关系为线索
   作者通过对比的手法,来表现事物之间的差异:信号词为:but , yet , however , while , whereas , ottherwise , in spite of , despite, nevertheless 等。
   例:The United states has some strange laws. For instance it permits cigarette companies to advertise their products in magazines and newspapers, yet it bans cigarette commercials on TV.由信号词yet引导的ban的意思与permit正好相反,即为禁止。
   5. 以同位语为线索
   例1: Blue light seems to help newborn infants who are suffering from jaundice, skin and eye balls yellow.
   例2:They surrendered that is,threw out their weqpons and walked out with their hands above their heads.本例所提供的是谓语动词部分的同位关系。"that is"表明后面的部分是对前面的解释,读懂这一部分,自然会猜出"surrender"的意思为"投降"。
   例:"One of a doctor"most important and most responsible tasks diagnosis. She must decide what is wrong with her patient and what disease she has,she must diagnose her condition.If a doctor does not diagnose the diseae correctly,she will give the patient the wrong treatment.这里根据我们所掌握的生活经验,diagnose的意思不难猜测出来。
   例:Although many of them say they will give their support,their actions belie their words.

   Step 1.从生词本身以及在句子里所起的作用来看,belie是一个动词。
   Step 2.从生词所处的句子来看,belie的主语是their actions,宾语是their words。
   Step 3.从属连词although作为一个信号词说明了belie所处的主句与although引出的从句之间是一种让步关系。由此可看出belie所在的主句含有与从句相反的信息。
   Step 4.在前面三步的基础上,可以对"belie"的词义推断,belie可能与"contradict"的意思接近。
   Step 5.检查这个推测是否正确。
   (2)代入句子中"their actions contradict their words"即他们的行动与他们所说的相矛盾,意思合乎逻辑。(belie在辞典中的意思"与・・・不一致,与・・・不相等")。(叶丽珍2001)
   例:Inspite of the fact that the beautiful egret is danger of dying out completely,many clothing manufacturers still offer handsome prices for their long,elegant tail feathers which are used as decorations on ladies'hats.通过句子的后半部分,我们可以知道,egret可能是一种带有漂亮羽毛的鸟。
   (一)、 派生法
   Marry was already 37 years old when she won the first solo transatlantic sailing race . "transatlantic"中的"trans" 是前缀(跨越、转移),所以,该次的词义不难猜测出是"横渡大西洋的"。
   The innkeeper opened the door when we knocked at it ."innkeeper"是由 "inn"(旅馆、小栈)和"keeper"(守护者)合成的词,词义显然是"旅馆的主人"。
   The doctors of our hospital are vocationing in Dalian .名词"vocation"在此转化为动词,词义应为"度假"。
   Of course , the chuck waggon went too. "Chuck" was a cowboy name for tood , and so the chuck waggon was where the cook did his work and caried his stores of food .根据句中对chuck和chuck waggon 的定义,不难断定chuck waggon的词义是"炊事车".
   She is a cutler -that is to say , a woman who sells knives and sharp tools .从句子中的同位语解释,我们不难测出"cutler"的词义是"刀具商"。
   例:He wishes this medicine may really cure his headache.通过cure前面的"这种药"和后面的"他的头疼",很容易的判断出cure的词义为"治好"。
  In a thunderstorm you see the lighting first and then hear the thunder . After a short time it rains suddenly. 根据文中对风雨情景的描写,可猜测句中的"thunderstorm"的词义为"暴风雨"。
   She is smoothing her dress with a smoothing iron .生活常识告诉我们熨衣服要用熨斗,所以"smoothing"的词义为"熨斗"。
   在很多情况下,文章中都会出现同一问题的再次陈述,从而对前文出现的某个词义进行说明、补充或限制。如:Experts in kinesics,in their study of body motion,hope to discover new methods of communication.很显然,kinesics这个词后出现的介词短语就指出了它的含义,即"研究人体动态"的学科。再如:Carbon monoxide (CO) is a noxious gas what can causedeath. 显然,noxious这个词是在描述一氧化碳的性质,而其后引导的定语从句又再次陈述了一氧化碳的特性--能致死。由此推导出noxious意为"有毒的,有害的"。
   以上这些是我在阅读中总结出的一些方法, 这些情况并不是独立存在的, 而是应该把多种方法结合起来, 灵活使用。其实在大量的阅读实践中, 还有更多更巧妙的猜词方法。
  ④阮永之.猜词义-英语阅读技巧【N】英语辅导报1992-93 (12)
