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来源:用户上传      作者: 李诗苑

  【关键词】英语阅读 兴趣
  I The weak point of traditional readingmethod
  Traditional reading theory is thecomprehension reading of the simple processthat readers understand the liteml meaning ofme article by receiving the character signalsand using the knowledge of the vocabularyand grammatical structure,but the furtherunderstanding of reading is ignored.Englishreading is not only innuenced by one’sSOCial experience and knowledge,but alsoinnuenced by non-language elements,such as preparation of reading psychology,utility of reading prediction,cultivation ofreading habits,etc.
  ⅡEnjoy reading
  1.The creation of reading space:
  Reading is the way that studentsunderstand the WOrld and the society,developing thinking,
  accessing to animportant way of aesthetic experience.Theeffectiveness of how to achieve this is boundto their future reading,including readinginterests,reading ability,reading habits.However,student who is in a grade ofignorance,thinking ability is relativelylow,coupled wim a good move,can notbe an instant reading on the“thirst”,andshould be more patience,and graduallycultivate interests.During teaching,teachers often carty out some activitlesso that students receive in the event moreinf01Tnation,thereby stimulating interestsin learning.The establishment of the classbook boxes,timely replacement ofone ofme books.The information of co-operationwill be read by three or four similar interestscomposed of teading and writing groups,reading and painting group or the reading ofgroups such as reading actvies together.
  2.The creatiOil of reading time:
  Low-grade students’concept of timeis not strong.They can not make rationalarrangements after class.This requiresteachers who supervise the timely guidance.Morlling Reading in class should be set up,the teacher can draw a little time each dayread together wim the students,
  me ereationof adequate reading time.
  3.Induced by the desire to read:
  In reading practice,the sense oflanguage is the core among teading skills.It improves gradually.At the same time,regardless ofwhether you tealize mat readinghabits are graduaUy formed,and good orbad.Teachers should strive it to become astudent's reading habit.Some studies haveshown that when students are interested inlearning content,the original emotion andlife experience has been mobilized to beawakened,the students engaged in learningactively in me best physical and mental state.We can f0Uow the obiective law for moreman catering to their interests,making aconscious choice from teaching strategies,making fully students’sense of time toinduce the desire to read.In the schoollife,teachers should do more to listen tostudents reading desire and recommend somebooks fbr students.Story-telling activitiesare an effective way to induce students tostudy.Teacher shOUld try his best to arousethe enthusiasm of students to tead actively.Classroom teaching is a teacher-studentemotional flow of the process.It is truth topay that there would be spiritual intersection.The emotional experiences make the studentdialogue with the text and the author.Therefore,teachers should guide studentsto experience empathy with their truefeelings.
