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来源:用户上传      作者: 舒清海

  1. 根据因果关系
  表示因果关系的有 because,so that,so...that,such...that 等。如:
  You shouldn’t reproach him for that,for it wasn’t his fault.
  【分析】根据句中的 for it wasn’t his fault(那不是他的错),可推知 reproach 的意思应是“责备”。
  2. 根据转折关系
  表示转折关系的有 though,but,however 等,但有时也可用破折号或分号来表示转折的意义。如:
  A child’s birthday party doesn’t have to be a hassle;it can be a basket of fun,according to Beth Anaclerio,an Evaston mother of two,ages 4 and 18 months.(全国卷)
  What does the underlined word “hassle” probably mean?
  A. a party designed by specialists
  B. a plan requiring careful thought
  C. a situation causing difficulty or trouble
  D. a demand made by guests
  【分析】答案为 C。通过上下句 A child’s birthday party doesn’t have to be a hassle;it can be a basket of fun 可以推知, hassle 和 a basket of fun 表示近乎相反的意义。
  3. 根据并列关系
  表示并列关系的有 and,or 等。例如:
  In the ancient city of Rome,we visited every mansion,battle site,theatre and other public halls.
  【分析】因为 mansion 与“战场遗址”“剧院”等表示场所的词语并列,所以 mansion 应属于场所一类的东西。
  4. 根据比喻关系
  表示比喻关系的词语有 as...as,like 等。如:
  The hot-air balloon took off. It was as buoyant in the air as a rose leaf in water.
  5. 根据对比关系
  表示对比关系的标志性词语有 unlike,not,while,on the other hand,in spite of,in contrast 等。如:
  He had been getting better,but during the night his condition deteriorated.
  【分析】but 表明 deteriorate 与 get better 意思相反,即表示“恶化”。
  If you agree,say “Yes”;if you dissent,say “No”.
  【分析】根据前后的对比关系,我们不难猜出 dissent 的意思与 agree 相反,即表示“不同意”。
  6. 根据相似关系
  表示相似关系的词语有 similarly,like,just as,also 等。如:
  Mr. Green loves to talk,and his brothers are similarly loquacious.
  【分析】根据关键词 similarly 可知,loves to talk 应与生词 loquacious 大致同义,也就是说 loquacious 的意思应为“健谈的”。
  7. 根据同位关系
  His father is an expert in phonetics,the study of the sounds of language.
  【分析】同位语 the study of the sounds of language 表明 phonetics 的意思是“语音学”。
  8. 根据定义关系
  定义句的谓语动词多为 be,mean,be considered,refer to,be called,be known as 等。如:
  A linguist is a person who studies the science of language.
  【分析】 linguist 是一个研究语言科学的人,也就是“语言学家”。
  9. 根据所举实例
  表示列举的常用方式有 for example,for instance,such as,like 等。如:
  Many United Nations employees are polyglot. Ms White,for example,speaks six languages.
  【分析】由所举实例可推出,polyglot 的意思是“懂多种语言的”。
  10. 根据同义关系
  Doctors believe that smoking cigarettes is detrimentalto your health. They also regard drinking as harmful.
  【分析】由于前后两句中的 believe 和 regard 大致同义,再加上后面一句中的also 一词,我们可以推知 detrimental 与 harmful 同义,即表示“不利的”“有害的”。
  11. 根据转换表达
  有时写文章的人为了对一个较难理解的词语或概念进行解释或说明,他们会使用像 that is,that is to say,in other words 以及 namely,i.e.,or 等之类的表达来引出一个插入语,用来对前面的内容进行解释。如:
  They described him as a loon,or a mad man.
  【分析】句中的 or 是对 loon 的解释,即 loon 与 a mad man 同义。
  It will be very hard but also very brittle,that is,it will break easily.
  【分析】句中的 that is 表明 it will break easily 是对 brittle 的解释,从而猜测出其意为“脆”。

  12. 根据标点符号
  New houses,large schools,modern factories,more horses and sheep ― everywhere we saw signs of prosperity.
  【分析】根据破折号前面的具体描述,可猜测 prosperity 意为“繁荣”。
  13. 根据定语从句
  There are three kinds of snow. One kind is a fluffy snow that is somewhat dry and feathery.
  【分析】定语从句 that is somewhat dry and feathery 表明 fluffy snow 的意思是“鹅毛大雪”。
  14. 根据逻辑推理
  Although the fisherman was wearing sou’wester,the storm was so heavy that he was wet through.
  【分析】因生词 sou’wester 是 wear 的宾语,应当是一种“衣”或“帽”,又由 although 和后面一个分句,可以推知它是一种“防雨的衣”。
  15. 根据生活常识
  The snake slithered through the grass.
  【分析】根据有关蛇的生活习性的知识,我们可以推断出 slither 的词义为“爬行”。
  16. 根据构词方法
  After just a few days on the job,I began noticing that the other fellows were overcharging passengers.(广东卷)
  【分析】因同学们学过 charge (收费、要价),根据前缀 over- 的意思“过多、过分”,可推知 overcharge 是“索价太高”之意。
  17. 根据类属关系
  Man has known something about the planets Venus,Mars and Jupiter with the help of spaceships.
  【分析】句中的 Venus(金星)、Mars(火星)、Jupiter(木星)均为生词,但同学们只要知道 planet(行星)便可猜出这几个词都属于“行星”这一义域。
  18. 根据语境关系
  The lack of movement caused the muscles to weaken. Sometimes the weakness was permanent,and the player could never play the sport again.
  【分析】根据 and the player could never play the sport again 可推知 permanent的意思为“永远的”“永久的”。
  (编辑 周贞雄)
